(English Follows)

また、幅広く、オンラインのツール、DiscordやFB, SNSなどのツールを駆使しながら、新しいコミュニティーを作って、
地方でのむずかしさ :アンサンブル
これまでやってきて、地方での難しさということを痛感しております。地方、特に過疎化地域では、学校数、生徒数、演奏家、指導者、施設、機会、全てが少ないという問題があります。 ましてや音大やプロオケのない本県では、クラシック音楽を、文化を繋いでゆくのに特に厳しい環境にあります。
例)地方で行けないけれども音楽祭を楽しむ、知ってもらう目的として音楽祭などをピックアップして、プログラムや演奏家たちについて話し合ったり、もしこの演奏家が我が街にきてくれたらどんなプログラムにする?など 楽しむだけではなく、楽しみ方を伝え合い、文化に触れる機会を多くの人に与える

Chamber Ensemble871
We’d like to introduce our new Facebook group called “Chamber Ensemble 871”
As some of you may know, we created a private Facebook group called “Clarinet Online Camp” a half year ago which was to build a clarinet community in the neighborhood to start.
As it was a private environment where you know all the faces and safe to post and comment, it became a warm community besides we all reside in the town. However it needed more drive and vigorous exchange within the group, so we wanted to build a new kind of platform.
The purpose for this new platform is still to reach out for the musical community in town but also build a broader community through online using Discord and others.
For musicians : practice room, performance at home
For Classical music enthusiasms : Discuss any performing programs to educate other people and share and plan your ideas
For IT engineers : Educate others and maintain a healthy online community.
We are a small city with less than 30,000 population, a prefecture of 1.3mil where there is no music college nor professional orchestra. The numbers of everything, schools, students, active musicians, good acoustic facilities and opportunities are scarce. We’re struggling even to maintain private teachings, performances and activities as arts and culture are the first thing to cut the budget therefore we are ending up doing it as volunteers.
We will keep reaching out to the local community, but also search the new environment for the online community as it developed significantly in the past few years. Any difficulties can be opportunities!
In fact, we see those online specialists have quick and foreseen eyes which could gather the group with like minded people. On the other hand, the small local society, in our opinion, tends to hesitate to jump into new ideas, especially technology.
Therefore, we decided to introduce the new tool as Discord to our group.
We can :
Online practice : in the practice room, anyone can join whenever and wherever. You can practice alone (no sound/ no image) or with others to keep up your motivation.
Performance : perform from home, plan a community recital
Watch/Listen Party : share Youtube videos to watch performances and lecture together.
Forum : discuss per topic. i.e. plan a music appreciation event to educate non musicians, organize master classes, organize concerts, enjoy a music festival without being there(discuss the programs/listen to the repertoire/plan to perform the same program, etc.)
We’re aiming to build a DAO community in the future. Don’t you think it would be wonderful If your contribution to the community is measured properly?
There are many exciting DAO communities in JP especially to help social community problems such as YamakoshimuraDAO.
Hoping this community might bring future music society a little better place where society recognizes the necessity of the art/music/culture in our life.
Pls join us with our Facebook group or the Discord server
We need your support.